
February 28 2024 minutes Planning

Planning committee minutes Uploaded on March 8, 2024

Gurnard Parish Council

39 Victoria Road


PO31 7JH




The minutes of the meeting of Gurnard Parish Council Planning Committee held at 6.30pm on Wednesday 28th February 2024 at Gurnard Village Hall.


Present: Councillors Acton (Chair), Bugden, Jacobs, Nolan and Franklin.

Clerk: Richard Shaul

3 members of the public were present.


The meeting commenced at 18:30


  1. Order of Meeting

Resolved: that agenda item 5. regarding the appeal decision on Sunnycotts caravan park be considered before item 4.


  1. Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs Fuller, Williams, Wood and Cllr Bustin.


  1. Members’ declarations of interest



  1. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of the council held on 31st January 2024 were taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the chair. No matters arising.


  1. Appeal decision Sunnycotts Caravan Park

Documents giving details of objections to the appeal decision regarding the Sunnycotts Caravan park planning application and concerns over potential inaccuracies in the appeals process were circulated prior to the meeting.

Members of the public present spoke regarding their concerns.

Resolved: Gurnard Parish Council support residents comments in full and will write to the IoW Planning Department and Gurnard Ward Councillor for details as to how the 8 preliminary matters and 12 conditions in the appeal decision will be monitored.


  1. Planning, licensing and tree preservation order applications
1.     The following planning applications were considered:


a)      24/00210/DIS        06/02/2024     44 Worsley Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight

Condition compliance application on 23/01534/RVC relating to conditions 3 (materials), 5 (Construction Management Plan) and 7 (soft landscaping)

Consultation end date 29/02/2024





2.       The following planning decisions were noted:

Ref. No: 23/02245/HOU 48 Solent View Road Gurnard Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 8JZ28

Demolition of single storey side extensions and porch; proposed two storey rear extension to include recessed balcony and single storey side extensions; alterations; porch

Granted 14/02/2024




The meeting closed at 19:07
