Gurnard Parish Council
39 Victoria Road
PO31 7JH
The minutes of the meeting of Gurnard Parish Council HR Advisory Committee held on Wednesday 28th February 2024 at Gurnard Village Hall.
Present: Councillors Acton (Chair), Bugden, Nolan and Franklin.
Clerk: Richard Shaul
No members of the public were present
The meeting commenced at 19:49
- Chair
Resolved: Cllr Acton should act as chair for the meeting
- Apologies
Apologies were received from Cllrs Fuller, Williams, Wood and Cllr Bustin.
- Members’ declarations of interest
- Minutes
The minutes of the HR Advisory Committee held on 29th November 2023 were taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the chair. No matters arising.
- Review of Clerk’s performance
Training development was discussed, but no issues were raised.
Potential additional future workload was discussed. The Clerk stated a preference that any additional work be absorbed within the current 21 hour week, and this was noted by the council.
The Clerk left the meeting at 20:00
- Review of Clerks employment contract and salary review
The clerk’s current contract and the National Joint Council pay scales agreed in November 2023 were circulated with the agenda, together with an explanatory note.
Resolved: That the National Join Council’s agreed pay scales be adopted and backdated to the date of completion of the Clerk’s probationary period in June 2023
The meeting closed at 20:10