
September 27th 2023 Minutes Planning

Planning committee minutes Uploaded on October 3, 2023

The minutes of the meeting of Gurnard Parish Council Planning Committee held at 6.30pm on Wednesday 27th September 2023 at Gurnard Village Hall.


Present: Councillors Fuller (Chair), Jacobs, Wood, Franklin and Bustin.

Clerk: Richard Shaul

Approximately 50 members of the public were present. Questions were put to the developers of the application in item 107. 23-24, and the concerns of the public were noted by the Parish Councillors


The meeting commenced at 20:00


  1. Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs. Bugden, Nolan, Williams and Acton.


  1. Members’ declarations of interest

Cllr Fuller declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 107.23-24. As cabinet member for planning, things that are said in this meeting may change if further information is presented.

Cllrs Jacobs and Franklin declared non-pecuniary interests in item 107.23-24 as they live close to the development.


  1. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of the council held on 14th June 2023 were taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the chair. No matters arising.


  1. Planning, licensing and tree preservation order applications
1.     The following planning application was considered:

a.     Land Served Off Cordelia Gardens, Tuttons Hill And Cockleton Lane Gurnard Isle Of Wight

Ref. No: 23/01430/FUL | Received: Mon 14 Aug 2023 | Validated: Mon 04 Sep 2023 | Status: Registered

Hybrid Application: Full planning permission for proposed Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) and means of access/community car park; Outline application for residential development and its means of access

Resolved: The Parish Council objects to this application for the following reasons:

In relation to the SANG:

1.    We object to the inclusion of a car park as part of the SANG. If this really is necessary, it should be closer to the current housing development and accessed from Cordelia Gardens rather than not Tuttons Hill

2.    The loss of wild, natural green space to be replaced by a developed cultivated area.

3.    Concerns over the loss of agricultural land

In relation to the housing development:

4.    Loss of green field site.

5.    The application is contrary to the Gurnard Neighbourhood plan section E1 that states that any built development will be resisted in the Jordan Valley to maintain the openness of this green gap and prevent coalescence with Cowes.

6.    The application is contrary to the Gurnard Neighbourhood plan section H1 that states that residential development would be acceptable if it is located within the settlement boundary (which this isn’t) and will not be permitted on any other sites.

7.    Concerns regarding overcapacity to the existing highway infrastructure.

8.    Concerns regarding overcapacity of sewerage.

9.    The development needs better infrastructure for sustainable transport and connectivity (to support LCWIP)

10.  Concerns regarding loss of hedges and trees.

11.  Concerns regarding the impact that this development will have on the current lack of healthcare availability.

12.  Residents in Hilton Road are concerned over crime and disorder implications of boundaries.

13.  Brownfield sites should be considered before green field sites for housing development as a principle.   



The meeting closed at 20:30


