
October 25th 2023 Agenda Planning

Planning committee agendas Uploaded on October 20, 2023


Mr Richard Shaul

Clerk to Gurnard Parish Council

39 Victoria Road


Isle of Wight

PO31 7JH

07305 013718







19th October 2023


You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Planning Committee of Gurnard Parish Council which will be held at 6:30pm on Wednesday 25th October at Gurnard Village Hall, Westbrook Lane, Gurnard to discuss and consider the following items:



clerk to the Council


Before the meeting is formally opened by the Chairman there will be an opportunity for members of the Public to make comments and ask questions.




  1. Apologies for Absence.


  1. Members’ Declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests.
    1. To receive Members’ Declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests.
    2. To receive and consider any written dispensation requests.


  1. Minutes

To take as read, approve and sign the minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 27th September 2023.


  1. Planning, Tree Preservation & Licensing Applications
  1. To comment on the following planning applications:
  2. Campview Rew Street Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8NS

Ref. No: 23/01747/CLEUD | Received: Wed 04 Oct 2023 | Validated: Wed 04 Oct 2023 | Status: Registered. Public consultation to 10 Nov 2023

Lawful Development Certificate for retention and continued use of self-contained dwelling and residential structures

  1. 48 Solent View Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JZ

Ref. No: 23/01752/TW | Received: Wed 04 Oct 2023 | Validated: Wed 04 Oct 2023 | Status: Registered. Public consultation date not available

 G1; Group of Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) – Coppice to approximately 1.5M.

  1. To note any planning decisions received by 19/10/2023