
July 21st 2023 Agenda Facilities

Facilities committee agendas Uploaded on July 15, 2023


Mr Richard Shaul

Clerk to Gurnard Parish Council

39 Victoria Road


Isle of Wight

PO31 7JH

07305 013718







14th July 2023


You are hereby summoned to an extraordinary meeting of Facilities Committee which will be held on Friday 21st July 2023 starting at 10:00am at the Garden Room, All Saints Church, Gurnard in order to discuss and consider the following items:

clerk to the Council


Before the meeting is formally opened by the Chairman there will be an opportunity for members of the Public to make comments and to ask questions.


  1. Apologies for Absence

To receive and approve any apologies for absence

  1. Exclusion of the Press and Public

In accordance with section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act of 1960, the press and public will be excluded from the following items, having due regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted.

  1. Correspondence

To reach an agreed and final GPC response to a resident’s questions with reference to the use/management of GPC asset OSM.  The questions to be considered to include questions asked by the resident in emails received by GPC between 7/6/2023 and 13/7/2023. No questions received after that date will be considered