SGN riadworks have now moved onto Tuttons Hill with four-way temporary traffic lights, three of which are at the junction of Worsley Road, Church Road and Hilton Road, all very close together. The ones on Worsley Road are outside The Portland just before a bend. The road is not very wide and there us no restriction on parking opposite the traffic lights head outside Bucklers View (between Church Road and the bys lay-by.) It will only take one vehicle to park there and the whole village will grind to a halt as there will be no way traffic entering the village will be able to pass. Could the contractors be asked to place No Parking Cones on this short section of road please? They have placed them elsewhere in places that are now within the roadworks site.
Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): 2, Worsley Road, Gurnard
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