
May 8 2024 Agenda Full Council

Full council meeting agendas Uploaded on May 1, 2024

Clerk to Gurnard Parish Council

39 Victoria Road


PO31 7JH

07305 013718


1st May 2024


All Parish Councillors summoned to attend a Full Council meeting to be held on Wednesday 8th May 2024 commencing following the Annual Meeting of the Council that starts at 6.30pm at Gurnard Village Hall, Westbrook Lane, Gurnard, PO31 8JR for the purpose of transacting the business set out in the agenda below:


Before the meeting is formally opened by the Chairman there will be an opportunity for members of the Public to make comments and to ask questions.


  1. Apologies for Absence

To receive and approve any apologies for absence


  1. Members’ Declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary Interests
    1. To receive Members’ Declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary Interests
    2. To receive and consider any written dispensation requests


  1. Minutes

To take as read, approve and sign the Minutes of the Full Meeting held on 10th April


  1. Planning, Licensing & Tree Preservation Order Applications
  1. To consider the following planning and licensing applications:


  1. Text 24/00566/DIS 11/04/2024 Land Adjacent To The Stables Woodvale Road Gurnard Isle Of Wight

Condition compliance application on 21/01555/FUL relating to conditions 4 (Drainage), 6 (Arboreal), 7 (Landscaping), 8 (Highways)

Consultation end date 10/05/2024


  1. 24/00007/TPO 24/04/2024 The Woodvale Hotel 1 Princes Esplanade Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8LE

The Woodvale Hotel, 1 Princes Esplanade, Gurnard.


  1. 24/00007/TPO 24/04/2024 Land West Of Gurnard Heights And East Of Princes Esplanade Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight

Land West of Gurnard Heights and East of Princes Esplanade


  1. To receive details of any planning decisions received by 02/04/2024:


  1. 23/002162/Ful 05/12/2023 6 Shore Path Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8LL

Demolition of the attached rearward chalet and outbuildings; Proposed detached chalet bungalow (revised scheme)

Refused 25/04/2024


  • Planning enforcement issues:


  1. Sunnycott Caravan Park. Appeal Ref: APP/P2114/W/22/3307079

The Parish Council have been made aware of concerns relating to this application

Proposed: That the Parish Council report the following concerns to IoW council planning department:

  • The Condition Compliance Application 24/00346/DS has not been submitted to the County Press nor has notice displayed outside Sunnycott.
  • A proper drainage scheme has to be drawn up by a qualified drainage engineer.
  • A storm water pipe must be connected to the storm water drainage system in Rew Street as stated in Island Roads Consultee Comment.
  • A detailed drawing should be prepared showing north and east elevations of the 5 proposed caravans with dimensions.


  1. To receive the following reports (For information only)
  1. IW Council and Parish Council Chairman
  2. Clerk to the Parish Council
  3. GVHA
  4. Councillors – Written reports to be submitted prior to the meeting
    1. Evaluation of the Village Event that took place on 20th /21st April
    2. OSM Working Party
  • Beach Working Party


  1. Finance
  1. To approve the cheque and electronic payments April 2024.
    1. To approve payments paid but not yet approved at a council meeting.
    2. To approve payments due but no approved at a council meeting.
  • To note receipts
  1. Transfer deposit account to current account
  1. To note the copy bank statements and bank reconciliation.
  2. To note Internal Audit report.
  3. To approve the Year end accounts
  4. AGAR Accounting statement and Annual Governance statement

Proposal: Gurnard Parish Council approve the AGAR Accounting statement and Annual Governance statement for 2023/24

  1. Confirmation of no conflict of interests with BDO

Proposal: Gurnard Parish Council confirm that there are no conflicts of interest with external auditors BDO


  1. Old School Meadow – raised beds

The three raised beds, not yet planted up, are be offered to families with young children from Gurnard Pines. The process will be managed by a representative of G.I.V.E. on a voluntary basis and will be reviewed in June 2025. G.I.V.E. must have a written risk assessment, the families will need to manage their own water supply in times of drought and need to understand there can be no guarantee that other people will not help themselves to veg.

Proposal: GPC will support the process by provision of a large bag of compost/manure mix from IW Compost at a cost of £60.


  1. Grant Applications

Grant applications have been received in from Isle of Wight pantries and a request for a contribution towards a defibrillator at Meadow at Meadow View estate. Copies of the application forms will be circulated prior to the meeting

Proposal: That the will/will not be awarded, and the value decided:

  1. Isle of Wight pantries
  2. Meadow View defibrillator


  1. Gurnard Green Play Area

GPC have received an email from Sovereign Play, to say that they have representatives visiting IOW on 20th May offering no obligation playground quotes. This could be a good opportunity to get some ideas as to what could be achieved for the Play Area.

Proposal: GPC arrange a meeting with Sovereign on 20th May. All councillors will be invited to attend.






Richard Shaul

Clerk to the Parish Council