
March 27 2024 Minutes Facilities

Facilities committee minutes Uploaded on March 28, 2024

Richard Shaul

Clerk to Gurnard Parish Council

27th March 2024

Minutes – Facilities Committee




The minutes of the meeting of Gurnard Parish Council Planning Committee held at 7.00pm on Wednesday 27th March 2024 at Gurnard Village Hall, Westbrook Lane, Gurnard, PO31 8JR.


Present: Councillors Fuller (Chair), Bugden, Nolan, Wood, Franklin and Acton.

Clerk: Richard Shaul

No members of the public were present.


The meeting commenced at 19:00


  1. Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllrs Williams and Cllr Bustin.

  1. Members’ declarations of interest
  2. None declared.
  3. No dispensation requests received.


  1. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of the Facilities Committee meeting held on 28th February 2024 were taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the chair. No matters arising.

  1. Gurnard Village Green Children’s Play area

The actions from Facilities meeting of 28th February 2024 were:

  1. The Clerk requests a meeting between members of the Gurnard Play area working party (GPAWP) and representatives of IOW council to discuss the maintenance report, and future plans for new and replacement play equipment.

Update: Clerk has asked Playground committee for possible dates/times for meeting.

  1. GPAWP consider responses from suppliers in order to better define the specifications of equipment required in order to seek comparative quotes.
  2. The clerk arranges an online meetings between the suppliers and members of GPAWP to discuss requirements.

Update: Actions 2 and 3 deferred until after the meeting with IoW council.

  1. That a display relating to the play area is included in the consultation weekend event. Members of the working party will produce this.

Update: Cllr Fuller offered to assist.


  1. Options for container at Old School Meadow

A paper was circulated prior to the meeting presenting the following options for the container at Old School Meadow:

  1. Lift container out of the way, dig out soil/clay to the rear of the site to level, install 6 concrete pads to support container, and replace container or
  2. Jack up front  of container to level, install good quality sleeper with breeze blocks to support or
  3. Continue to look for other options.

Resolved: That the council should pursue a long term solution, with specification similar to option 1. Above, but in accordance with Financial Regulations should obtain further quotes. Final decision should be taken to Full Council.





  1. Request to hold charity event at Old School Meadow

GPC have received a request from a representative of a charity to hold a summer charity event at Old School Meadows. A paper was circulated with the agenda with further details.

Resolved: That Gurnard Parish Council support this request in principal, and the Clerk should request further details from the organisers.


  1. GVHA – request for assistance in updating village hall audio system

GVHA are updating the village hall audio system and have asked the Parish Council for a contribution to the cost. A copy of the invoice and an explanatory paper will be circulated prior to the meeting.

Resolved: That the GVHA are asked to provide full details of what they require and obtain further quotes.


  1. Relationship between GPC and GVHA

At the Facilities meeting or 28th February it was resolved that that GPC recognise the need to support members of the community currently running /managing Gurnard Village Hall (as a group called GVHA) to achieve an appropriate legal status, as a Charitable Trust depending on legal advice.  The clerk will be requested to work with officers of GVHA and Gurnard WI to achieve this legal status for the group.


  1. That the clerk meets with the IoW community Resilience project manager for further advice.
  2. That the clerk requests advice from NALC as to possible options.









The meeting closed at 20:00


