
March 27 2024 agenda Facilities

Facilities committee agendas Uploaded on March 21, 2024

Clerk to Gurnard Parish Council

39 Victoria Road


PO31 7JH

07305 013718


21st March 2024


You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Facilities Committee which will follow a meeting of the Planning Committee to be held on Wednesday 27th March 2024, following the Planning meeting starting at 6:30pm, at Gurnard Village Hall, Westbrook Lane, Gurnard in order to discuss and consider the following items:


Before the meeting is formally opened by the Chairman there will be an opportunity for members of the Public to make comments and to ask questions.


  1. Apologies for Absence
    1. To receive and approve any apologies for absence
  2. Members’ Declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary Interests
    1. To receive Members’ Declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary Interests
    2. To receive and consider any written dispensation requests
  3. Minutes

To take as read, approve and sign the Minutes of the Extraordinary Facilities meeting held on 28th February 2024.


  1. Gurnard Village Green Children’s Play area

Update on actions from Facilities meeting of 28th February 2024

    1. The Clerk requests a meeting between members of the Gurnard Play area working party (GPAWP) and representatives of IOW council to discuss the maintenance report, and future plans for new and replacement play equipment.
    2. GPAWP consider responses from suppliers in order to better define the specifications of equipment required in order to seek comparative quotes.
    3. The clerk arranges an online meetings between the suppliers and members of GPAWP to discuss requirements.
    4. That a display relating to the play area is included in the consultation weekend event. Members of the working party will produce this.


  1. Options for container at Old School Meadow

At the Full Council meeting of 10th January 2024 the council resolved that we get a suitable contractor to remove the padlock and stabilise the container so that the door could be opened and closed safely. A paper has been circulated with the agenda with detail of 2 possible options. Whichever option is chosen safety issues will need to be addressed:

Proposed, the following options:

  1. Lift container out of the way, dig out soil/clay to the rear of the site to level, install 6 concrete pads to support container, and replace container or
  2. Jack up front  of container to level, install good quality sleeper with breeze blocks to support or
  • Continue to look for other options.




  1. Request to hold charity event at Old School Meadow

We have received a request from a representative of a charity called Messy Mums who support mothers with small children on the Isle of Wight. They are looking for somewhere to hold a summer charity event, possibly 13th June. This would be raising money for the charity and have food and drink, and games for kids etc. A paper has been circulated with the agenda including things to be considered.

Proposed: That Gurnard Parish Council support this request in principal, and will request further information as to what is required.


  1. GVHA – request for assistance in updating village hall audio system

GVHA are updating the village hall audio system and have asked the Parish Council for a contribution to the cost. A copy of the invoice and an explanatory paper will be circulated prior to the meeting.

Proposal: That the Parish Council agrees to support the update to the Village Hall audio system (value to be decided at the meeting)


  1. Relationship between GPC and GVHA

At the Facilities meeting or 28th February it was resolved that that GPC recognise the need to support members of the community currently running /managing Gurnard Village Hall (as a group called GVHA) to achieve an appropriate legal status, as a Charitable Trust depending on legal advice.  The clerk will be requested to work with officers of GVHA and Gurnard WI to achieve this legal status for the group.

Proposed: That the clerk requests advice from NALC as to possible options.

A paper has been circulated with the agenda with suggested content of this request.







clerk to the Council