
March 13 2024 Minutes Full

Full council meetings Minutes Uploaded on March 15, 2024

Gurnard Parish Council

39 Victoria Road


PO31 7JH



The minutes of the meeting of Gurnard Parish Council held at 6.30pm on Wednesday 13th March 2024 at Gurnard Village Hall, Westbrook Lane, Gurnard, PO31 8JR.


Present: Councillors Fuller (Chair), Nolan, Wood, Franklin, Bustin and Acton.

Clerk: Richard Shaul


2 members of the public were present and spoke regarding the appeal decision to allow 5 additional caravans at Sunnycott Caravan Park. They raised concerns over:

  • Contradictory advice received from IoW planning over conditions in the appeal decision.
  • Additional caravans having already being added to the site in previous years


  1. Apologies

Apologies: Cllrs Bugden, Jacobs and Williams


  1. Members’ declarations of interest
  2. Members’ declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest. – None received.
  3. To receive and consider any written dispensation requests. None received.


  1. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of the council held on 14th February 2024 were taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the chair. No matters arising.


  1. Planning, licensing and tree preservation order applications
  2. To consider the following planning and licensing applications:

No new applications received in the period


  1. To receive details of any planning decisions received by 07/03/2024:
  2. 23/01430/FUL 02/08/2023

Land Served Off Cordelia Gardens, Tuttons Hill and Cockleton Lane Gurnard Isle of Wight

Hybrid Application: Full planning permission for proposed Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) and means of access/community car park; Outline application for residential development and its means of access

Granted 05/03/2024

Options considered were to update the neighborhood plan, work with Cowes and Northwood on a joint place plan, or to do nothing. There is an IoW Planning Committee meeting W/C 19/03/2024 to decide whether to adopt the Island Planning Strategy.

Resolved: Decision deferred pending the result of the IoW Planning Committee vote on the Island Planning Strategy.


  1. 24/100022/HOU 6 The Avenue Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JL

Demolition of conservatory; Proposed single storey rear extension

Granted Noted

  1. 61 Worsley Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JX

Tree work

Granted Noted

  1. 23/01825/FUL Land Adjacent 51 Albert Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JU

Detached chalet bungalow formation of vehicular access and parking (revised scheme)

Granted Noted

  1. 23/02249/FUL 36 Lower Church Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JG

Proposed replacement detached dwelling (revised scheme)

Refused Noted


  1. Planning enforcement issues:

A resident has informed the Parish Council that developers have now planted conifer trees along the boundary adjoining The Dottens development, on the land they have been denied planning on numerous occasions.

IoW Planning department have responded:

Planning cannot control planting of this nature and there is therefore nothing we could do in respect of the hedge that has been planted.

Resolved: The Clerk will respond to the resident with The IoW council’s reply, but otherwise no further actions.


  1. Reports
    1. IW Councillor and Parish Council Chairman


  1. Clerk’s Report


  1. GVHA

Minutes of the GVHA committee meeting of 29/02/2024 were circulated prior to the meeting.


  1. Councillors reports

None received


  1. Village Event

Cllr Acton circulated a written report to Councillors prior to the meeting.

Resolved: That the recycling presentation that was due to be part of the Village event will now take place at the Annual Parish Meeting, but is publicised at the Village Event.


  1. Finance
    1. Cheque and electronic payments for January

There were 2 payments totalling £12.61 paid in February but not yet approved at a council meeting

Resolved: Approved

The clerk provided details of 3 payments totalling £3,354.76 that were due to be paid but not yet approved at a council meeting.

Resolved: Approved

2 receipts totalling £165.73 were noted.

  1. Copy bank statements and bank reconciliation for December were circulated prior to the meeting.



  1. Drinking water fountain at eastern end of Gurnard Beach huts

This has been out of use for several years; could this be restored to use?

Resolved: No further action


  1. HR Advisory meeting 28/02/2024

The HR Advisory committee recommended that the Clerk’s salary be increased in line with the updated NJC recommendations of November 2023, and that be backdated to the completion of the Clerk’s probationary period in June 2023

Resolved: That Gurnard Parish Council approves this recommendation.




  1. Environmental Officer

Resolved: That the Parish Council requests a monthly report from the environmental officer of issues and actions in Gurnard, and that the environmental officer is invited to attend future council meetings.


  1. Playground Working Party actions

At their meeting on 28th February the Facilities committee resolved:

  1. that the Clerk requests a meeting between members of the Gurnard Play area working party (GPAWP) and representatives of IOW council to discuss the report, and future plans for new and replacement play equipment.

Resolved: Approved

  1. that GPAWP consider responses from suppliers in order to better define the specifications of equipment required in order to seek comparative quotes.

Resolved: Approved

  1. that the clerk arranges an online meeting between the supplier and members of GPAWP to discuss requirements, and that offers of similar meeting be made to other potential suppliers.

Resolved: Approved

  1. That a display relating to the play area is included in the consultation weekend event. Members of the working party will produce this.

Resolved: Approved

  1. Resolved: That a meeting of the GPAWP is convened before the end of March to provide an update on these actions



  1. Old School Meadow Working Party

Notes from the meeting of the OSM working party were circulated prior to the meeting. Included in this report are 2 proposals to be considered at this meeting:


  1. That GPC make a formal request that landowners open the gate adjacent to vehicle entrance to OSM and allow walkers to use that gate in accordance with recently granted planning permission.
  2. That three of the raised beds be offered to families with young children from Gurnard Pines (process will be managed by G.I.V.E.) This will be tried for a year initially on the understanding that has been written risk assessment, that  all families know that they will need their own insurance to work on the beds (Parish Council cannot be held responsible), that they will need to manage their own water supply in times of drought and that there can be no guarantee that other people will not help themselves to the veg. Cllr Acton to apply for soil improver load and perhaps Dorling Kindersley books on using a metre square bed to feed a family from IWC sustainability fund.



The meeting closed at 19:39

