Gurnard Parish Council
39 Victoria Road
PO31 7JH
The minutes of the meeting of Gurnard Parish Council held at 6.30pm on Wednesday 10th April 2024 at Gurnard Village Hall, Westbrook Lane, Gurnard, PO31 8JR.
Present: Councillors Fuller (Chair), Bugden, Jacobs, Nolan, Bustin and Acton.
Clerk: Richard Shaul
3 members of the public were present and spoke regarding:
- Following the decision to grant planning permission for the Park Road housing development, and comments from the Secretary of State about the lifespan of neighbourhood plans, the importance of refreshing the Gurnard Neighbourhood plan.
- Erosion of the beach near Gurnard Marsh. Cllr Fuller offered to raise concerns with IoW council, and ask about the progress of the Coastal Protection scheme. Cllr Fuller also asked that this be added to the agenda for next month’s Full meeting.
- Concerns that siting of a shipping container at Sunnycotts caravan park indicated that building work had commenced without planning conditions being met. Concerns over potential flooding resulting from inadequate land drainage were also re-iterated.
The meeting started at 18:56
- Apologies
Apologies: Cllrs Wood Williams and Franklin
- Members’ declarations of interest
- Cllr Fuller declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 235.23-24. As cabinet member for planning, things that are said in this meeting may change if further information is presented. received.
- No dispensation requests were received.
- Minutes
The minutes of the Full Council meeting of 13th March2024 were taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the chair. No matters arising.
- Planning, licensing and tree preservation order applications
- The following planning applications were considered:
- No 24/00428/FUL 27/03/2024
33 Solent View Road Gurnard Cowes Isle of Wight PO31 8JY
Proposed replacement roof to form loft rooms in 33; proposed 2 dwellings
Resolved: The Parish Council objects to this application on the following grounds:
- Overdevelopment of the site.
- Loss of privacy, particularly to the residents of Albert Road, but also to neighbours in Solent View Road.
- Loss of amenity.
- Loss of a strategic green gap.
- Out of character with the street scene.
- Lack of car parking (car parking in Solent View road is at a premium).
- Lack of water soakaways and water retention.
- Increased hardstanding.
- Loss of sunlight, particularly in Solent View Road.
- Adverse impact on grass verges
- The following planning decisions were noted:
- 22/01307/FUL 26/07/2022
Land To the Rear Of The Heritage To Shepards Hay Tuttons Hill And Fronting Place Road Cowes Isle Of Wight
Granted 28/03/2024
- No planning enforcement issues were discussed.
- Reports
- IW Councillor and Parish Council Chairman
Cllr Fuller will write to planning enforcement regarding occupation of buildings in Cockleton Lane. Clerk will follow up email regarding enhanced planning enforcement services.
- Clerk’s Report
Clerk will follow up regarding security lights at toilets.
Verbal report on sound system and weather station.
- Councillors reports
- Village event
- Old School Meadow
- Finance
- Cheque and electronic payments March:
- 2 payments totalling £2,154.00 were paid in March but not yet approved at a council meeting.
Resolved: Approved
- 3 payments totalling £3,070.75 were due but no approved at a council meeting
Resolved: Approved
- To note receipts totalling £916.98
- Transfer deposit account to current account – £5,000.00 15/03/2024
- Bank statements and reconciliation were circulated prior to the meeting.
- Draft year end accounts were circulated prior to the meeting.
- Review and update of Standing Orders
Proposed updated Standing Orders and a document with information regarding the changes were circulated prior to the meeting.
In accordance with requirements in the Parish Council’s current standing orders the adoption of the revised Standing Order where proposed and seconded and were then adjourned without discussion until the next ordinary meeting of the Council.
- Correspondence regarding the Community bus, and parking in Worsley Road Gurnard
An email from one of the drivers of the community bus regarding the risk to the operation of the Community bus was circulated prior to the meeting. It suggested that parking restrictions should be considered and enforced.
- That the Clerk contacts Island roads to highlight the problems caused by parking in Worsley Road.
- That the Clerk contacts Southern Water to clarify what their plans are for Worsley Road.
- Annual Parish meeting
The Annual Parish Meeting is set to take place on Wednesday 24th April. There are still some matters to finalise.
- That the start time of the meeting should be 7:00PM to allow time for a Planning Committee meeting beforehand.
- That the proposed agenda is approved, subject to the inclusion of an item for the financial statements
- That the budget for refreshments is £75
The meeting closed at 20:06