Please hover over the pins in the map below to view the planning applications.
Application No: 23/01284/HOU
Parish(es): Cowes Ward(s): Cowes West And Gurnard Location: Windrush 95 Baring Road Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8DS Proposal: Proposed single-storey side extension; cladding to external elevations Easting: 448270 Northing: 96014 Case Officer: Hayley Byrne
Application No: 23/01289/HOU
Parish(es): Gurnard Ward(s): Cowes West And Gurnard Location: 76 Worsley Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JX Proposal: Proposed side extension; dormer windows on north elevation; new window on west elevation at first floor level; retention of decking Easting: 447748 Northing: 95667 Case Officer: Hayley Byrne
Application No: 23/01313/HOU
Parish(es): Gurnard Ward(s): Cowes West And Gurnard Location: 26 Marsh Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JQ Proposal: Proposed garden room Easting: 447206 Northing: 95380 Case Officer: Hayley Byrne