
January 10th 2024 Agenda Full Council

Full council meeting agendas Uploaded on January 4, 2024


Mr Richard Shaul

Clerk to Gurnard Parish Council

39 Victoria Road


Isle of Wight

PO31 7JH

07305 013718







4th January 2024


You are hereby summoned to a meeting of Gurnard Parish Council which will be held on Wednesday 10th January 2024 starting at 6.30pm at Gurnard Village Hall, Westbrook Lane, Gurnard in order to discuss and consider the following items:



clerk to the Council


Before the meeting is formally opened by the Chairman there will be an opportunity for members of the Public to make comments and to ask questions.


  1. Apologies for Absence

To receive and approve any apologies for absence

  1. Members’ Declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary Interests
  1. To receive Members’ Declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary Interests
  2. To receive and consider any written dispensation requests
  1. Minutes

To take as read, approve and sign the Minutes of the Meeting held on 13th December

  1. Planning, Licensing & Tree Preservation Order Applications
    1. To consider the following planning and licensing applications:
  2. 24, 26 And 28 Shore Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8LD

Ref. No: 23/02242/DIS | Received: Wed 20 Dec 2023 | Validated: Wed 20 Dec 2023 | Status: Registered Consultation end date 16/01/2024

Condition compliance application on 20/00914/FUL relating to condition 3 (arboreal method statement)

  1. The Shanty 10 And 11 Shore Path Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8LL

Ref. No: 23/02194/CLEUD | Received: Fri 08 Dec 2023 | Validated: Thu 14 Dec 2023 | Status: Registered Consultation end date 26/01/2024

Lawful Development Certificate for continued use of 11 Shore Path as a residential dwelling

  1. Cliff Cottage 1 Shore Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8LB

Ref. No: 23/02217/HOU | Received: Fri 15 Dec 2023 | Validated: Fri 15 Dec 2023 | Status: Registered Consultation end date 26/01/2024

Proposed alterations, single-storey extension on south-east extension, two storey extension on north-east elevation; formation of vehicular access 

  1. 61 Worsley Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JX

Ref. No: 23/02186/TW | Received: Thu 07 Dec 2023 | Validated: Thu 07 Dec 2023 | Status: Registered Consultation end date not available

Amended description (15/12/2023): T1; Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) – Dismantle and replant. T2; Ash (Fraxinus excelsior) – Dismantle and replant. T3; Oak (Quercus robur) – Dismantle and replant. T4; Oak (Quercus robur) – Prune height and crown clean approx. 20%. T5, T6 and T7; Oak (Quercus robur) – Prune height and crown clean approx. 15%. G1; Group of small previously coppiced Elm (Ulmus procera), Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus) and Hazel (Corylus avellana) – Recoppice. G2; Group of Sycamore ( Acer pseudoplatanus) – Coppice to stools

  1. 28 Albert Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JU

Ref. No: 23/02092/FUL | Received: Fri 24 Nov 2023 | Validated: Fri 24 Nov 2023 | Status: Registered Consultation end date 10/01/2024

Detached dwelling (revised scheme)

  1. 9 Hilton Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JB

Ref. No: 23/01952/HOU | Received: Thu 02 Nov 2023 | Validated: Thu 30 Nov 2023 | Status: Registered Consultation end date 10/01/2024

Proposed single storey rear extension; replacement raised roof to include dormer on west elevation and juliet balcony on south elevation

  1. 37 Worsley Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JW

Ref. No: 23/01809/HOU | Received: Mon 16 Oct 2023 | Validated: Mon 16 Oct 2023 | Status: Awaiting decision Consultation end date 10/01/2024

Proposed single/two storey rear extension and extension at 1st floor level on side elevation; alterations (Revised plans) (re-advertised application) 

  1. To receive details of any planning decisions received by 08/01/2024
  1. Land Lying To The West Of Cockleton Farm Cockleton Lane Gurnard Isle Of Wight

Ref. No: 23/02184/6PA | Received: Thu 07 Dec 2023 | Validated: Thu 07 Dec 2023 | Status: Registered Consultation end date 22/12/23

Agricultural prior notification for a barn PAGTD 22/12/23

  1. To receive the following reports (For information only)
  2. IW Council and Parish Council Chairman
  3. Clerk to the Parish Council
  4. GVHA
  5. Councillors


  1. Finance
  2. To approve the cheque and electronic payments December.
    1. Paid but not yet approved – None
    2. Due but not approved – None
  • Receipts to be noted £962.42 deposit account interest
  1. Transfer deposit account to current account – None
  1. To note the copy bank statements and bank reconciliation.
  2. The agreed budget for the annual Precept needs to be submitted to IOW Council by 16th February 2024

Proposal – That a meeting of the Finance Committee be convened on Wednesday 31st January to agree the draft precept budget to be presented to IOW council. The Clerk will prepare a proposed budget and circulate this prior to the meeting.


  1. Old School Meadow – Access to Container

Proposal – That the Clerk should request a suitably insured person to remove the padlock from the container


  1. Review of standing orders

At the December meeting it was proposed that a working party should be convened to review the proposed changes to standing orders.

Proposed: That the membership of the working group be agreed and a meeting be convened to review Standing Orders with a view to agreeing any changes prior to the Annual Council Meeting


  1. D Day celebrations

D Day is 6th June 2024. If the Parish Council would like to do anything to celebrate the event the planning needs to start now.

Proposed: That should councillors have any suggestions as to how D Day could be celebrated in Gurnard they should email these to the Clerk by Tuesday 6th February 2024 in order that they can be included in the agenda for the February Full Meeting


  1. Annual Parish Meeting

Proposal: That the 2024 Annual Parish Meeting should be held on 24th April 2024