There are roadworks at this location with temporary traffic lights. The lights and works have been repositioned today and now residents are parking on the northbound carriageway approach to the lights right up to the light unit preventing approaching through traffic from triggering the motion sensor. The main culprit is a black Mercedes with a roof box that has previously regularly done this on the south bound carriageway before lights were moved. The only way to trigger the sensor is to move right up to the lights which effectively blocks the other line of traffic. This requires No Parking Cones on the approach to the lights so traffic coming up the hill as a clear run to the sensor without blocking the road. This road has become busier with the recent longterm closure of Cockleton Lane and the impending closure of Cowes Road next week and it is vital the traffic lights are unimpeded by thoughtless anti social parking.
Nearest road to the pin placed on the map (automatically generated by OpenStreetMap): 129, Pallance Road
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