
September 11 2024 minutes Full Council

Full council meetings Minutes Uploaded on September 17, 2024

Gurnard Parish Council

39 Victoria Road


PO31 7JH



The minutes of the meeting of Gurnard Parish Council held at 18.30 on Wednesday 11th September 2024 at Gurnard Village Hall, Westbrook Lane, Gurnard, PO31 8JR.


Present: Councillors Acton (Chair), Bugden, Fuller, Jacobs, Nolan Franklin and Bustin

Clerk: Richard Shaul


Two members of the public were present.


The meeting started at 18:30


  1. Apologies

Apologies: Cllrs Acton and Franklin

Cllr Bustin had sent apologies that were noted after the meeting.


  1. Members’ declarations of interest
  2. Cllr Fuller declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 4, Planning Applications. As cabinet member for planning, things that are said in this meeting may change if further information is presented.

Cllr Wood declared a pecuniary interest in item 7 regarding the proposed CO2 pipeline.

  1. No dispensation requests were received.


  1. Minutes

The minutes of the Full Council meeting of 10th July 2024 were taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the chair.


  1. Planning, licensing and tree preservation order applications
  2. The following planning applications were considered:


  1. 24/01290/HOU 26/08/2024 3 Shore Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8LB

Proposed single storey side extension to garage and increase of height to 2.8m ; Proposed roof extension to existing dwelling to create additional bedrooms and bath and two storey extension to the rear; alterations to external surfaces including cladding

Consultation end date 04/10/2024

Resolved: The Parish council has no objection to this application


  1. 24/01289/HOU 26/08/2024 25 Lower Church Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JG

To retain the front boundary treatment including posts and gates

Consultation end date 04/10/2024

Resolved: The Parish Council supports this application


  1. 24/01278/DIS 23/08/2024 Land Adjacent To The Stables Woodvale Road Gurnard Isle Of Wight

Condition compliance application on 21/01555/FUL relating to condition 4 (Drainage and Disposal of Surface and Foul Water)

Consultation end date 17/09/2024

Resolved: The Parish council has no objection to this application


  1. 24/01281/HOU 23/08/2024 51 Albert Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JU

Proposed single storey extension with new roof; replacement dormer on front elevation 

Consultation end date 27/09/2024

Resolved: The Parish council has no objection to this application


  1. 23/01337/OUT 02/08/2023 Land To The North West Of 75 Place Road Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 7AE

Outline application considering access and layout for 31 dwellings (Phase 2) (revised plans and drainage strategy received)(readvertised application)

Consultation end date 16/09/2024

Resolved: The Parish council has no objection to this application. However, the Parish Council would expect that Place Road should be subject to a 30 MPH speed limit for its entire length. The Parish Council would also like to draw attention to our Section 106 priorities that have already been provided to the council, in relation to any large scale development.  


  1. 24/01237/HOU 15/08/2024 24 Solent View Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JY

Demolition of single-storey side extension; Proposed single storey extension and extension at first floor level to create additional living accommodation

Consultation end date 16/09/2024

Resolved: Gurnard Parish council have no objection in principal but would like to question whether the proposed timber cladding reflects the street scene


  1. 24/01046/HOU 08/08/2024 12 Tilbury Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JJ

Proposed loft conversion including dormer windows on front and rear elevations; render to all elevations

Consultation end date 09/09/2024

Resolved: The Parish council has no objection to this application


  1. 24/01157/RVC 02/08/24 Former Oil Plant House Marsh Road Gurnard Isle Of Wight

Variation of condition 2 on 23/00905/RVC to allow alterations to include replacement of zinc cladding with vertical cedar cladding, corrugated sheet cladding and pepple filled gabions

Consultation end date 09/09/2024

Resolved: The Parish Council has no objection to the application, however there are concerns that water from the roof is currently directed to the adjacent path and would ask that this is rectified.



  1. Reports
    1. Parish Council Chair – Noted


  1. IW Councillor – Noted


  1. Clerk’s report – Noted. Clerk will write to IoW council regarding potentially dangerous tree and copy in Chair and Environmental officer. Clerk will also contact Paravectis regarding the operation of the toilets CCTV.


  1. GVHA – Noted


  1. Councillors reports – None received


  1. Environmental officer – Noted. Clerk will invite Environmental officer to talk at future council meeting.


  1. Gurnard in Bloom – Noted. Clerk to contact Gurnard in Bloom regarding the suggestion that they use green bins that are for domestic use only. Report on proposed expenditure to be included in agenda for future meeting.



  1. Finance
  2. Cheque and electronic payments in August 2024:
    1. 10 payments totalling £3,779.29 were paid in August but not yet approved at a council meeting.

Resolved: Approved

  1. 3 payments totalling £2,705.92 were due but not yet approved at a council meeting

Resolved: Approved


  • 4 receipts totalling £322.55 were noted


  1. No bank transfers were made in the period.


  1. Bank statements and reconciliation were circulated prior to the meeting.



  1. Opposition to the proposed Exxon Mobil CO2 pipeline.

Cllr Wood left the meeting for this item.

The draft of a proposed motion by the Isle of Wight Council objecting to the proposed Exxon Mobil CO2 pipeline across the Isle of Wight was circulated prior to the meeting.

Resolved: The Parish Council strongly object to the proposed Exxon Mobil CO2 pipeline across the Isle of Wight and fully support the motion proposed by the Isle of Wight council

Cllr Wood re-joined the meeting


  1. Bank debit card for the clerk

Resolved: That the clerk should apply to Unity Bank for a debit card with a limit of £500.

The changes required to the Standing Orders to enable the debit card to be used will be considered at a future meeting.


  1. Temporary but immediate use of OSM container re-visited

An inspection of the container at OSM by a contractor of Reynolds and Read was conducted on 15th August. His opinion was that the container doors are undamaged and are safe to operate following the application of grease to the hinges which he did as part of his inspection. A report giving full details of this has been circulated with this agenda

Resolved: That the Container in OSM is put back into general use, subject to the following conditions:

  1. That the container is only opened or closed by the named key-holder or the clerk to the Parish Council in the presence of at least one other person.
  2. That a written risk assessment is produced
  3. That the named key-holder does not give the key to any other person  


A recommendation was also made that the OSM working party meet in the near future to refine the procedures for operation of the container.



  1. Memorials policy

A draft version of the Memorials policy and associated documents were circulated prior to the meeting

Resolved:  The Parish Council resolved that flowers or other “shrines” would not be allowed. Subject to documents being amended to reflect the Parish council resolved to adopt the Memorials Policy, the application form for a memorial within the Parish of Gurnard, the summary /initial response to applicants for a memorial and the policy for standardising existing memorials which are causing concern.



  1. Playground quotes

The Parish Council have now received 3 quotes from suppliers of playground equipment These were circulated to council prior to the meeting together with a brief summary of the 3 submissions.

Resolved: That the Facilities committee undertakes site visits to look at other play areas and that the Facilities committee then meet to make proposals to the November Full Council meeting.








The meeting closed at 20:00


