Terms of Reference for GPC Old School Meadow (OSM)Working Party
Purpose: To work towards developing a coherent, long term management plan using the Green Flag Awarding Criteria as a basic foundation for WP planning. green-flag-award-guidelines.pdf (greenflagaward.org)
Membership: 3 Parish Councillors, resident managing raised beds project and a representative local volunteer tree warden if one available.
Quoracy: 3
Chair: Must be one of the Parish Councillors – chair may circulate between councillors.
Meeting Chair will be responsible for producing agenda for next meeting and ensuring this agenda is with the clerk for records. Agenda to be circulated to WP members by the chair responsible for the agenda at least four days prior to meeting.
Consultees: EO will attend if required and receive notes. Local Tree Warden team once network running.
Community/Parishioner Involvement: Other members of the community may be invited to attend meetings on an ad hoc basis if they have a particular skills or experience to offer or are to assist with a Community Event.
Standards: All WP members (including occasional members) will respect the Code of Conduct as adopted by Gurnard Parish Council.
Notes to be made by an attendee (can be clerk if available). Chair is responsible for disseminating notes and providing report for GPC as soon as possible after the meeting. Report to be posted on GPC website (or noticeboard) once any proposals are ratified by GPC.
Venue: Weather permitting on site at OSM, Gurnard Press or Pheonix Centre Café (Gurnard Pines) if weather is inclement.
Update 10 July 2024