
October 09 2024 Agenda Full Council

Full council meeting agendas Uploaded on October 3, 2024

Clerk to Gurnard Parish Council

39 Victoria Road


PO31 7JH

07305 013718


3rd October 2024


All Parish Councillors summoned to attend a Full Council meeting to be held on Wednesday 9th October 2024 commencing at 6.30pm at Gurnard Village Hall, Westbrook Lane, Gurnard, PO31 8JR for the purpose of transacting the business set out in the agenda below:


Before the meeting is formally opened by the Chairman there will be an opportunity for members of the Public to make comments and to ask questions.


Representatives from the IoW Council environmental office will also be in attendance to discuss current issues with the Parish Council.



  1. Apologies for Absence

To receive and approve any apologies for absence


  1. Members’ Declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary Interests
    1. To receive Members’ Declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary Interests
    2. To receive and consider any written dispensation requests


  1. Minutes

To take as read, approve and sign the Minutes of the Full Meeting held on 11th September


  1. Planning, Licensing & Tree Preservation Order Applications
  1. No new planning applications to consider


  1. No new decisions to note


  1. Planning enforcement issues: None



  1. To receive the following reports (For information only)
  1. Parish Council Chair
  2. IW Councillor
  3. Clerk to the Parish Council
  4. GVHA
  5. Councillors – Written reports to be submitted prior to the meeting
  6. Environmental officer


  1. Finance
  1. To approve the cheque and electronic payments for September 2024.
    1. To approve 3 payments totalling £31.80 paid in September but not yet approved at a council meeting.
    2. To approve 1 payments totalling £44.39 due but not approved at a council meeting.
  • To note 1 receipt of £51.00
  1. Transfer deposit account to current account of £6,000.00
  1. To note the copy bank statements and bank reconciliation.


  1. CO2 Pipeline Committee (Cllr Franklin)

The terms of reference for a proposed CO2 pipeline committee were circulated with the agenda

Proposal: That Gurnard Parish Council establishes a committee dedicated to addressing the proposed CO2 pipeline project, with the goal of protecting the interests of the residents of Gurnard


  1. Audit and review of GDPR and accessibility standards (Cllr Franklin)

GPC adherence to GDPR and accessibility standards requires periodic audits and reviews to verify compliance with relevant legislation and GPC policies. 

Proposal: that the GPC obligations in this regard are checked by the Clerk and any audit reports/ reviews that are due are produced before the November meeting.


  1. Gurnard in Bloom expenditure (Clerk)

Gurnard in Bloom have asked for approval for some planned expenditure (receipts will still be required for reimbursement)

Proposal either:

  1. That the Clerk may authorise future expenditure planned by Gurnard in Bloom up to the agreed budget (£1,000 for 2024/2025), subject to ratification at the earliest Full committee meeting.

Or, if proposal a. is rejected:

  1. That the following planned expenditure is approved:
    1. 2 x Black Barrel Planters (replacement for two old wooden ones) £32.00 (Forestview Nursery)
    2. Pkt 6 Heavy Duty Disposal Bags £6.99
  • 4 pkts of 10 Heavy Duty Strong Garden Sacks @£6.44 per packet = Total £25.76 (both online at B&Q)
  1. 2 x P(Chair)eat free Multi Purpose Compost £8.99 (Forestview Nursery)
  2. Various Plants to replenish all existing planters with pansies and other winter flowers Est £50-£100 (Forestview and Care in the Garden)


  1. Potentially dangerous dead tree in Worsley Road (Cllr Nolan)

In June this year GPC were alerted by a resident of a dead tree in Worsley Road that could be potentially dangerous if it fell into the road. This issue was reported to Island Roads, who established that the tree was on land owned by IoW Council but so far nothing has been done about it.

Proposal: That GPC write to Island Roads and Isle of Wight Council to request progress on this issue of a dangerous tree adjoining the Public Highway that was first reported 4 months ago.


  1. Temporary but immediate use of OSM container revisited: Chair)

At the Full meeting of 11th September the council resolved: That the Container in OSM is put back into general use, subject to the following conditions:

  1. That the container is only opened or closed by the named key-holder or the clerk to the Parish Council in the presence of at least one otr person.
  2. That a written risk assessment is produced
  3. That the named key-holder does not give the key to any other person.

Proposal: That the following additional provisions be added:

  1. That named key holders may be appointed by the Clerk, subject to them having appropriate instruction in operation of the container. Any appointments must be ratified by the Full or Facilities committee at the earliest opportunity.
  2. The Clerk may temporarily provide a key to working party members/councillors for a specific task if a named key holder is not available, subject to provision a. above. The key to be returned to the Clerk after use.
  3. The Clerk will maintain a register of keys and key-holders


  1. Playground quotes – inspection visits by Facilities Committee. (Clerk)

At the September 11th Full Committee meeting it was resolved that the Facilities committee undertakes site visits to look at other play areas and reports back to the November Full Committee. A list of potential sites will be circulated with this agenda.

Proposal: That a date is set for the proposed visits and that the clerks of the relevant town and parish councils are informed of the proposed visits


  1. Councillor Vacancy (Clerk)

GPC have been informed by the IoW council Electoral officer that they can start the co-option process, although they are not bound to if the period of the vacancy is 6 months or less. Parish Council elections are in May 2025, so the 6 month period would be from the beginning of November. The parish council are required to advertise the vacancy, and give 35 days for applicants to respond before consideration of applicants.

Proposal: That the Parish Council don’t start the co-option process, and leave the post vacant until the May elections.


  1. Old School Meadow working party notes (Chair)

Notes from the OSM WP meeting of 2nd November were circulated with this agenda. OSM WP would like the council to approve the following:

Proposals: (refer to OSM WP notes)

  1. Working Guidelines and Risk Assessments relating to OSM raised bed/Orchard area and use of container are adopted.
  2. That members of the local community,  schools and groups can approach Key Holder to arrange events at OSM and these can be organized on an ad hoc basis by JP with the following conditions:
    1. The clerk is given the date to ensure there are no clashes with any other group.
    2. The group is responsible for producing their own risk assessment.
  • If children are involved the ratio of adult to child is acceptable under any outdoor activity rules.
  1. JP (or a councillor/temporary Key Holder from the OSM WP) will be in attendance throughout the event.
  2. Notices are put up in advance of visits at access points to OSM.
  3. The site is left cleared and all rubbish and notices are removed at the end of the event/visit.
  • A report will be provided for GPC by the Key Holder following a visit (with feedback from the group included if available).
  1. That a notice that the bridge is closed is put up and that CA is asked to investigate what needs to be done to make all safe again.
  2. That CA or JP cut back the sucker growth before it gets out of hand and that a watching brief is made to prevent any more invasive spread.
  3. That a map of trees in the whole of OSM area (including dog free zone) is compiled/created and any noteworthy trees not protected by a TPO are registered for protection.


  1. All Saints Church remembrance service 10/11/2024

Representative of Gurnard Parish Council have been invited to attend a remembrance service and

lay a wreath.

Proposed: That GPC will purchase a wreath and a representative of GPC will attend the service.







Richard Shaul

Clerk to the Parish Council