
Gurnard Parish Council Memorial Policy



Gurnard Parish Council (GPC) is sometimes asked if memorials, such as benches, trees or plaques, can be placed in the parish to remember loved ones.


GPC will consider all applications for memorials on land managed by the Parish Council, however our green spaces are enjoyed by a wide range of residents and visitors. The memorial application process has to be managed and regulated for the benefit of all.


A simple, personal memorial is usually perfectly acceptable in a public space however problems arise when a memorial becomes a ‘shrine’. Shrine building makes it difficult for the area to be used for its proper purpose as no-one wants to cause upset by moving or removing left gifts. Part of the purpose of this policy is to ensure that grieving families are not caused further grief because of a misunderstanding on what is expected if a memorial, of any sort, is agreed.


The Parish Council will consider requests on an individual basis and retains the right to refuse an application.



This policy has been produced with the following guiding principles:

  • To be respectful and sympathetic to those seeking to install a memorial.
  • To establish responsibility for the maintenance, repair/upkeep and replacement of memorials.
  • To ensure that memorials are not out of place in the area in which they are situated
  • To ensure there is a strong, demonstrated link to Gurnard Parish.


It is the intention of the Parish Council that this policy only covers broad common issues and is not meant to be exhaustive. The content of this policy may be revised as necessary at the discretion of the Parish Council to meet changing circumstances.



Applicants will be expected to adhere to all the following conditions:


  • The Parish Council will limit the number of memorials on land which it controls.
  • The applicant will be responsible for all costs incurred including (but not exclusively) the purchase of the agreed memorial and the installation.
  • Installation process/contractor to be agreed at time of application (N.B. public liability insurance will usually be required).
  • If the memorial is a plaque then a contribution of £50 towards upkeep of the bench, table or planter to which it will be attached is expected.
  • The Parish Council will consider each application on its merits. Whilst the Parish Council will not automatically expect a uniform memorial style in any one location, the Parish Council may choose to require it.
  • The text and style of the inscription on any memorial plaques shall be submitted to the Parish Council for approval or otherwise at the same time as application is made.
  • The applicant may request a particular siting for the memorial but the final decision will be that of the Parish Council. The Parish Council will attempt to accommodate the wishes of the applicant(s) but it may be necessary to limit the number of memorials in a particular area, there will be a maximum of two plaques to any one bench for example.
  • The installation of a memorial shall be carried out only in accordance with the details provided on the application form as agreed by GPC.
  • The Parish Council accepts no responsibility if a memorial is damaged, vandalised or stolen. Any damage will be notified to the named applicant(s). If the damage has not been repaired within 4 weeks of this notification, the Parish Council may arrange for the removal of the memorial.
  • The Parish Council will not be responsible for the maintenance of any individually donated memorial bench, table or planter, these remain the responsibility of the donor. However, if any maintenance is, in the opinion of the Clerk to the Parish Council, required, the applicant(s) will be informed and given a period of 4 weeks in which to complete the necessary works.
  • The Parish Council reserves the right to remove or re-site memorial benches at any time.
  • The Parish Council will only permit memorials to individuals or, in exceptional circumstances, an historical event. Applications for memorials to pets will not be considered.
  • No additional mementos (e.g. flowers, vases, statues, wreaths, balloons or other ornamentation etc.) will be permitted on or around the memorial. These will be removed. (Refer to appendix B). Family and friends grieving a loss who wish to remember a loved one’s anniversary with toys or other gifts might support an appropriate ward at St Mary’s,  a relevant care home, child nursery or the hospice in their loved one’s name.
  • The Parish Council will undertake a regular assessment of memorials and reserves the right to remove any item that is no longer considered safe and fit for purpose. In this event, the named person(s) on the application form will be informed. An inscribed plaque will be returned to the donor or disposed of if contact cannot be made.
  • The Parish Council will keep a record of donors and their contact details in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations. It is the responsibility of the donor to provide the Clerk to the Parish Council with updated details in writing. Failure to do so could lead to the memorial being removed without further notice.
  • Many people now prefer to scatter the ashes of their loved one in a location that meant something to them. Whilst there are no national laws restricting the scattering of ashes of the deceased over land, you do need the permission of the landowners if you’re scattering them over private land. This also applies to Council-owned land including open spaces, please apply to the Clerk for further information. Beaches have the same restrictions.

Additional Notes from IWC: This Council has no Policy or procedures for this type of activity and we would not object to this taking place. However, all we would ask is for discretion, as you can appreciate some members of the Public may get upset when seeing a gathering of this nature. We do ask that the family make contact with our department so we know the day/time of the scattering so we can just check to make sure there are no Amenity Land Hire events that are previously booked in around that area.

Contact the Recreation, leisure and public spaces department of Isle of Wight council.



All applications must be via the clerk, who will provide a summary of expectations and a link to this policy. If the applicant decides, after reading this policy, to continue then the following steps apply:

  • All applications for a memorial must be made on the official application form (obtained from the clerk) and signed by the applicant (Appendix A)
  • The Clerk will acknowledge your application and it will be discussed at the next appropriate GPC meeting. You will be advised of the Council’s decision.
  • All memorials must be put in place through the process agreed on the application form.



  • Memorial trees (appropriate native species only, preferably from a local supplier) may be allowed in Old School Meadow (OSM) or another agreed location. Applicants are expected to care for the tree until properly established. This may be three or more years.
  • Applicants should also be aware that trees usually thrive best if planted during the months October to early March unless pot grown.
  • Trees that are newly planted only have a 50% survival rate and should the tree not survive then Gurnard Parish Council holds no responsibility to replace that tree. Applicants may decide to have the tree replaced and should they do so will be given full details on cost by the allocated GPC representative (or Tree Warden if appropriate).
  • A memorial planter and associated plants will need to be cared for and watered for the time stated on the original application form. (See Option 3b on Application form).







Accepted by GPC September 2024

Revised and published January 2025

Review due: January 2027