Gurnard Parish Council
39 Victoria Road
PO31 7JH
The minutes of the meeting of Gurnard Parish Council held at 19.20 on Wednesday 8th May 2024 at Gurnard Village Hall, Westbrook Lane, Gurnard, PO31 8JR.
Present: Councillors Acton, Fuller, Nolan and Woods.
Clerk: Richard Shaul, who initially chaired the meeting until the election of the new chair.
No members of the public were present.
The meeting started at 18:30
- Apologies
Apologies were received from: Cllrs Bugden, Bustin, Franklin, Jacobs and Williams
- Election of Chair
- To receive nominations for office of Chair
Resolved: One nomination was received for Cllr Acton
- To elect the Chair
Resolved: Councillor Acton is elected to serve as Chair until the Annual Meeting of the Council in 2025
- To receive the Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Resolved: Councillor Acton made a declaration of acceptance for the office of Chair before the Proper Officer
- Election of Vice Chair
- To receive nominations for office of Vice Chair
Resolved: One nomination was received for Cllr Fuller
- To elect the Vice Chair
Resolved: Councillor Fuller is elected to serve as Vice Chair until the Annual Meeting of the Council in 2025
- To receive the Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Resolved: Councillor Fuller made a declaration of acceptance for the office of Vice Chair before the Proper Officer
- Minutes
Resolved: The minutes of the Annual Council meeting of 10th May 2023 were taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the chair. No matters arising.
- General Power of competence
The To confirm the general power of competence with at least two thirds of the Parish Council’s seats being filled by elected Councillors at the last ordinary election, and a qualified Clerk in post
No resolution was made as the council do not currently meet the requirements
- To review and adopt the core council policies and procedures:
- Standing Orders 2024
Resolved: Adopted, subject to the addition of the following paragraph: “A Councillor’s period of office as Chair shall not exceed 3 consecutive years unless there are no other nominations at the Annual Meeting.”
- Financial Regulations 2024
- Risk Management schedule 2024
- Gurnard Code of Conduct 2024
- Publication policy (Freedom of Information Act) 2024
- GDPR 2024
Resolved: Items I. to IV. Adopted en bloc.
- Registers of interests
Confirmed registers of interests received from Cllrs Franklin, Jacobs and Wood. The Clerk will follow up with the remaining registers at future meetings.
- Internal Auditor
Resolved: That Gareth Hughs is retained as internal auditor for 2024/2025 and approved to have access to the records of Gurnard Parish Council
- To agree on the following committees, their associated terms of reference (ToR) and appoint members. (Committees that have delegated authority)
- Planning Executive Committee
Resolved: ToR agreed, all councillors are appointed members
- Facilities Committee (all members)
Resolved: ToR agreed, all councillors are appointed members
- To agree on the following Sub Committees and Advisory Committees, their associated terms of reference and appoint members.
- Finance Committee
- Grants Panel
Resolved: Finance Committee and Grants Panel to be combined. Cllrs Acton, Franklin, Fuller and Wood appointed as members
(note: terms of reference of combined committee will need to be reviewed and agreed)
- HR Advisory Committee
Resolved: Cllrs Acton, Franklin, Fuller and Wood appointed as members
- Gurnard Village Hall Association (minimum 3 members)
Resolved: That Gurnard Village Hall Association be considered under the appointments to outside bodies section
- To agree on the following Working Groups, their associated terms of reference and appoint members.
- Public Access Working Group
Resolved: Cllrs Fuller and Nolan appointed as members
- Beach Working Group
Resolved: Cllrs Acton Fuller and Nolan as members
- Village Green Status Working Group
Resolved: As Village Green Status has been achieved, this working group is no longer required.
- Old School Meadow Working Group
Resolved: Cllrs Acton, Nolan and Wood appointed as members
- Toilets Working Group
Resolved: Defer decisions to a future facilities meeting
- Any other groups as required.
The Village Green Play area working group was formed during the year.
Resolved: that Cllrs Fuller, Nolan and Wood be appointed as members
Note that the clerk will produce a schedule of councillors who were previously members of sub committees, advisory committees and working groups, but could not be appointed as they were not present at this meeting. This will be circulated to councillors and considered at a future council meeting.
- To agree and appoint members to the following outside bodies
- Community Bus Management Scheme
Resolved: Councillor Fuller appointed.
- Isle of Wight Community Waste Forum
Resolved: Cllrs Fuller and Wood appointed.
- IWALC (Representative and deputy)
Resolved: Cllr Acton appointed as representative and Cllr Fuller appointed as deputy.
- Environment & Sustainability Forum
Resolved: Cllr Acton appointed as representative and Cllr Fuller appointed as deputy.
Resolved: Cllrs Acton and Wood appointed
- Age Friendly Ambassador
Resolved: Cllr Wood appointed
- Cowes Medical Centre
Resolved: Cllrs Acton and Wood appointed
- Gurnard Village Hall Association
Resolved: Cllr Acton appointed
The meeting closed at 19:20