
July 31 2024 Planning minutes

Planning committee minutes Uploaded on August 7, 2024

Gurnard Parish Council

39 Victoria Road


PO31 7JH



The minutes of the meeting of the Gurnard Parish Council Planning committee commencing at 18.43 on Wednesday 31st July 2024 at Gurnard Village Hall, Westbrook Lane, Gurnard, PO31 8JR.


Present: Councillors Acton (Chair), Bugden, Franklin, Nolan, Franklin and Wood

Clerk: Richard Shaul


No members of the public were present.


  1. Apologies

Apologies: Cllr Bustin and Jacobs


  1. Members’ declarations of interest
  2. Cllr Fuller declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 4, Planning Applications. As cabinet member for planning, things that are said in this meeting may change if further information is presented.
  3. No dispensation requests were received.


  1. Minutes

The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting of 24th April 2024 were taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the chair. No matters arising.


  1. Planning, licensing and tree preservation order applications
  2. The following planning applications were considered:
  3. 24/00978/RVC 28/06/2024 63 Marsh Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JQ

Variation of conditions 2 and 3 on 22/00851/HOU to allow for a revised scheme 

Resolved: Gurnard Parish Council object to this application for the following reasons:

  1. Concerns regarding overdevelopment of the site.
  2. This is an inappropriate residential use on that location as this was intended to be a garage.
  • Loss of amenity to neighbouring properties.
  1. This development will be out of character with the existing street scene.


  1. 24/01031/TW 08/07/2024 269 Gurnard Pines Cockleton Lane Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8RS

T1,T2,T3; Leyland Cypress(Cuppressucyparis x Leylandii); Dismantle

Resolved: no objection but would request that these trees are replaced with trees of an indigenous species


  1. 24/1018/FUL 05/07/2024 8 Oaklands View Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8ET

Proposed construction of detached dwelling on plot 8

Resolved: Gurnard Parish Council object to this application as it has not met the necessary level of information requested.


  1. 24/01108/FUL 23/07/2024 Zakindi 30 Cockleton Lane Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JD

Continued use of first floor of garage/workshop/boatstore as annexed accommodation


Resolved: Gurnard Parish Council object to this application. This boathouse is outside the settlement boundary and is within the Luck Valley, a protected area in the Gurnard neighbourhood plan, and so should have no residential accommodation.


(Cllr Wood left the meeting at 19:07)


  1. The no new planning decisions had been received


  1. Proposed Solent CO2 pipeline

Details of the consultation process for routes for the proposed Solent CO2 pipeline were circulated prior to the meeting.


  1. The Clerk to contact Cllr Nick Stewart
  2. Councillors will collect together all available information relating to the proposed CO2 pipeline.
  3. Councillors to attend the public consultation meeting that is taking place on Friday 23rd August at Phoenix rooms at Gurnard Pines at 10:30.
  4. Clerk to contact IoW West MP to inform him that GPC are opposed to this pipeline and will be attending the public consultation
  5. Clerk to set up a webpage on GPC website to publicise CO2 pipeline consultation dates.
  6. Dates and information regarding public consultation meetings to be displayed on GPC noticeboard.


  1. Housing needs survey

Details of a proposed timeline and associated costs of the development of a Housing Needs Survey for Gurnard were circulated prior to the meeting.

A proposal that there should be a six month delay before starting the housing needs survey was made but did not receive a seconder.

A proposal that the Parish Council the initiation of a housing needs survey was rejected by the Parish Council.



The meeting closed at 20:03


