The minutes of the meeting of the Facilities Committee meeting held 6:30pm on Wednesday 26th July 2023 at Gurnard Village Hall, Gurnard.
PRESENT Councillors: Acton (Chair), Bugden, Jacobs, Nolan Franklin and Bustin.
Clerk: Richard Shaul
No members of the public were present
70. 23-24 Apologies for absence
Apologies were received from Cllrs Fuller, Williams and Wood
71. 23-24 Members’ declaration of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests
a. None received
b. No written dispensation requests received
72. 23-24 Minutes
a. The minutes of the Facilities committee held on 28th June 2023 were taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the chair.
b. The minutes of the Extraordinary Facilities meeting held on 21st July 2023 were taken as read and approved as a correct record subject to the deletion of an incorrect line in minute 73.23-24.4 (to be signed at a future meeting)
73. 23-24 Extraordinary meeting
Relating to complaint email from resident
a. The email agreed at the extraordinary meeting of 21st July should be sent to the resident with copy to Bob Seely
b. To put a link on the website to the Green Gym blog
c. As part of the website refresh create an historical archive of the work done by Friends of Cockleton Meadow and the open spaces project.
74. 23-24 Insurance renewal due 1st October 2023
Resolved: To complete of fixed asset register prior to the September Full Council Meeting.
75. 23-24 Toilets – 3rd instalment of Danfo refurbishment contract
Resolved: To give the Clerk delegated authority to pay Danfo invoice for 3rd instalment of toilet refurbishment.
76. 23-24 Old School Meadow working party
Resolved: The date for the next meeting of the Old School Meadow working party set for Wednesday 6th September at 10:30
77. 23-24 Village Assets (Assets of community value)
Resolved: That a working party be set up to report back to the October Facilities committee on what properties should be considered as Assets of Community value, and what the process would be. Cllrs Bustin, Franklin and Acton to be on the committee.
78. 23-24 Old School Meadow actions
The Clerk had previously circulated a report summarising progress against list of actions proposed by the Old School Meadow working Party
1. That the proposal that the GPC aims at achieving Green Flag Award Standards for its management of Old School Meadow and that the OSM Working Party take into account the awarding criteria should be put to the Full Council for adoption.
2. That the pond and bog garden area are recognised as Wildlife Friendly areas.
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3. That the pond and bog garden area remain undisturbed, as far as possible, until the early Spring of 2024; regular checks to ensure brambles are not becoming a H&S risk and minimal trimming of path up to bench (using shears NOT a strimmer) should be carried out. Two or three small trees/bushes (e.g. hazel) to be planted from November (need cause very little disturbance).
4. That ways of getting water supplied to the pond are investigated and aim to have any agreed ways of doing this ratified by full council and put in place before May 2024, and that a policy is produced on the risks of having standing water on the site.
5. Propose that, once the pond is working effectively as a year round pond, the bog garden area is re-assessed and rejuvenated as a sustainable bog garden area.
6. That the report circulated by the clerk is agreed.
79. 23-24 Storage container at Old School Meadow
The Clerk had found a selection of keys left his predecessor that he would check to see if they fitted the padlock. If not, the Parish Council would need to consider other means of opening the storage container.
The meeting closed at 20:05