Gurnard Parish Council
39 Victoria Road
PO31 7JH
The minutes of the meeting of Gurnard Parish Council held at 18.30 on Wednesday 12th June 2024 at Gurnard Village Hall, Westbrook Lane, Gurnard, PO31 8JR.
Present: Councillors Acton (Chair), Bugden, Fuller, Jacobs, Nolan Franklin and Bustin (arrived 18:41)
Clerk: Richard Shaul
5 members of the public were present.
The meeting started at 18:30
- Apologies
Apologies: Cllr Wood and, Williams
- Members’ declarations of interest
- Cllr Fuller declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 4, Planning Applications. As cabinet member for planning, things that are said in this meeting may change if further information is presented.
Cllrs Acton, Bugden and Bustin declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 15, Quotes for GVHA sound system as they are members of GVHA
- No dispensation requests were received.
- Minutes
The minutes of the Full Council meeting of 8th May 2024 were taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the chair. No matters arising.
- Change of order of agenda items.
The chair proposed that agenda item 9, Grow Gurnard request for meeting be dealt with after item 4, planning in order that the members of public present were not detained longer than necessary.
Resolved: Approved
- Planning, licensing and tree preservation order applications
- The following planning enforcement issues were considered:
- 24/00803/TW 29/05/2024
6 Solent Lawns Shore Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8AX
Resolved: That GPC should write to the Isle of Wight council’s tree officer with the following points:
- GPC have concerns that a lot of trees have been cut back between Solent Lawns and Woodvale road which may impact the ground stability in the area
- GPC would accept a maximum of 20% reduction and request that limbs and debris removed are left at the base of the trees.
- We would ask that the tree officer requests that the property management company provide a 30 year management plan.
- 24/00726/RVC 15/05/2024
Zakindi 30 Cockleton Lane Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JD
Residents present raised concerns that previous retrospective planning applications had been breached, and this new application would further extend the period of occupation.
Resolved: GPC object to this application, and are prepared to take this to the planning committee if planning officers support this application. The reason for this objection is that this is in the countryside and is not immediately adjacent to the settlement boundary and therefore should be refused.
- 24/00727/HOU 15/05/2024
66 Worsley Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JX
Demolition of single storey lean-to structure to rear; Proposed single storey rear extension
Resolved: No objection
- The following planning decision was noted:
24/00428/FUL 27/03/2024
33 Solent View Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JY
Proposed replacement roof to form loft rooms in 33; proposed 2 dwellings
Refused 24/05/2024
- Grow Gurnard request for meeting
Two representative of Grow Gurnard were present and spoke on the merits of a proposal for a community farm in Gurnard.
Resolved: The Clerk will try to arrange a meeting at a mutually convenient time between Gurnard Parish Council, representatives of Grow Gurnard and representatives from the developers of Meadow View regarding the proposal for a Community Farm. Questions should be submitted prior to the meeting.
- Reports
- IW Councillor
- Parish Council Chairman
- Clerk’s Report
- Councillors reports
- Finance
- Cheque and electronic payments May:
- 6 payments totalling £1,940.41 were paid in May but not yet approved at a council meeting.
Resolved: Approved
- 4 payments totalling £4,057.31 were due but no approved at a council meeting
Resolved: Approved
- To note 1 receipts of £17.71
- A bank transfers of £54,000.00 from the current account to the deposit account was made in the period.
- Bank statements and reconciliation were circulated prior to the meeting.
- The period for the exercise of public rights in relation to the AGAR submission was proposed as from 17th June 2024 to 26th July 2024.
Resolved: Approved
- It was proposed that Cllr Acton be added to the bank mandate for Unity Bank.
Resolved: agreed
- Vacancies in sub committees and workgroups
A document showing vacancies in committees, workgroups and representatives in outside bodies was circulated. This included the names of councillors who had requested to be added to committees etc.
Resolved: That following discussion at the meeting, the Clerk will update the document to show the resulting committee membership and re-circulate.
- Old School Meadow Working Party
Notes from the OSM WP meeting of 22nd May were circulated prior to the meeting.
The second quote for stabilising the container has not yet been received so the other container actions will be deferred until it is.
A quote of £125 for a 2 rail version has been received but the actual final design is to be agreed.
Resolved: That the dipping rail is replaced up to a maximum cost of £125
- Review of Gurnard Neighbourhood Plan
Recent planning decisions have highlighted the importance of maintaining and refreshing the Gurnard Neighbourhood plan.
Proposal: That GPC invite a representative of the Rural Housing Project to attend a the July Planning meeting with a view to setting up a housing needs survey as the first step in the GNP review.
- Grant applications
Two grant applications discussed at the May Full meeting. In both cases the Parish Council requested further information, which has now been received.
Resolved: that the following grant applications are considered:
- Isle of Wight Pantries – that we request further information regarding the proposed building.
- Meadow View defibrillator – That GPC respond to the applicant that GPC need to develop a wider defibrillator strategy for the whole village and are therefore unable to grant their rerquest at the moment.
- Policy for memorials
GPC are sometimes asked if memorials such as trees of benches could be placed in the parish to remember loved ones. GPC don’t currently have a policy on this. A draft policy has been circulated with the agenda
The draft policy was not adopted, but will be re-drafted taking into consideration comments from councillors, and be re-presented at a future meeting.
- Toilet lights
2 of the security lights above the toilet doors need replacing. Details of quotes received have been circulated to councillors
Resolved: That the quote from Alpha Electrical is accepted.
- Quotes to upgrade the GVHA sound system
The sound system at GVHA is in need for upgrading. GVHA have received 2 quotes and have a preferred supplier. It has been suggested that GPC could contribute £500 to the cost to recognise the benefits of the upgrade to GPC
Resolved: That GPC contributes £500 to the cost of the upgrade.
It has been suggested that the system could be purchased through GPC in order that the VAT might be reclaimed. A paper explaining this procedure has been circulated with this agenda.
- That GPC purchases the system from Stage Gear in it’s own name.
- That GVHA be asked to agree to reimburse GPC the gross amount less the GPC contribution of £500.
- Clerk would seek clearance from HMRC before attempting to recover the VAT.
- Items for future agendas:
- Policy for memorials
- OSM Container
- Quotes for Play area
- GPC forward plan
- No Mow May
The meeting closed at 21:00