
July 12 2023 Minutes Full Council

Full council meetings Minutes Uploaded on August 3, 2023

The minutes of the meeting of Gurnard Parish Council held at 6.30pm on Wednesday 12th July 2023 at Gurnard Village Hall.

Present: Councillors Fuller (Chair), Bugden, Jacobs, Nolan, Williams, Franklin, Bustin and Acton.

Clerk: Richard Shaul

Two members of the public were present

50. 23-24 Apologies

Apologies were received from Cllr. Wood

51. 23-24 Members’ declarations of interest

None declared

52. 23-24 Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of the council held on 14th June 2023 were taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the chair. No matters arising.

53. 23-24 Planning, licensing and tree preservation order applications

I. To consider the following planning and licensing applications:

i. 12 Worsley Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JN

Ref. No: 23/01075/HOU | Received: Mon 26 Jun 2023 | Validated: Mon 26 Jun 2023 | Status: Registered

Demolition of conservatory and lean-to; proposed single storey rear extension

Resolved: No objection. However, as there is a history of flooding in Worsley Road the council believe that, given the size of the new roof, it is prudent for a condition to be added that sufficient storm water capture is part of the scheme.

II. The following planning decisions were noted:


54. 23-24 Reports

a. Parish Council Chairman


b. IW Councillor


c. Clerk’s Report



Nothing to be reported

55. 23-24 Finance

a. Cheque and electronic payments for June

The clerk provided details of 1 payment totalling £18.00 that had been paid in June but not yet approved at a council meeting.

The clerk provided details of 9 payments totalling £4,807.57 that were due to be paid but not yet approved at a council meeting.

Resolved: payments approved

1 receipt totalling £35.75 was noted. 1 transfer of £6,000.00 was noted Page 2 of 3

b. Copy bank statements and bank reconciliations for June were circulated prior to the meeting, and these were noted.

Resolved: Noted

56. 23-24 Correspondence


a. That a Facilities Committee be convened with a single agenda item of agreeing a response to a residents email concerning Old School Meadow

b. The meeting to be chaired by Cllr Franklin

57. 23-24 Toilets


a. That the clerk is authorised to instigate getting 3 quotes for the renewal of the toilets cleaning contract in October.

b. That the clerk contacts the existing cleaners and requests that rubbish sack are collected twice a week, with a budget of £30 for the extra work

58. 23-24 Gurnard village green status

Resolved: That the Clerk writes to the Cabinet Member Jonathan Baker:

a. Stating the dates of the original application

b. Asking what steps the Isle of Wight Council need to take to progress the application.

c. Asking who the decision makers are

d. Asking for a timeline as to when those decisions will be taken

59. 23-24 Litter bins on Gurnard Green and Princes Esplanade

Noted that the clerk will contact the Isle of Wight council to confirm the responsibilities for emptying the bins on Gurnard Green as was resolved in the June meeting.

60. 23-24 Commemorative tree planting

Resolved: that Cllrs Acton and Bustin meet with the Denham family to discuss arrangements for planting a tree in Old School Meadow, and report back to Parish Council

61. 23-24 Meeting between GPC and representatives of Meadow View Developments IW

Resolved: Clerk to write to Meadow View Developments to ask them to mend the fence, and a date when this will be done.

A named vote was requested:

For – Cllrs Bugden, Fuller, Jacobs, Nolan and Williams

Against – Cllrs Bustin and Acton

Abstain – None

62. 23-24 IWALC meeting update

Report noted

63. 23-24 Emergency plan


a. that the existing plan be removed from the website

b. A small working party be set up to produce a more limited local plan

c. That this plan be presented to the Parish Council in September

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64. 23-24 Facilities committee terms of reference

Resolved: that the terms of reference of the Facilities Committee be amended to include all Parish Councillors

65. 23-24 Subcommittees and working groups


a. HR committee – Cllrs Acton and Bustin added

b. The Gurnard Village Hall Association be re-categorised as an outside body rather than a working party of the Parish Council

c. That Cllr Williams be removed as representative to the Gurnard Village Hall association and Cllr Bugden added

d. Toilet Working Group – Cllrs Jacobs and Nolan added

e. Old School Meadow working group – Cllrs Bustin and Fuller added

66. 23-24 August recess

Clerk will look into getting a locum to cover any planning meetings required during their absence during first 2 weeks of August

67. 23-24 Exclusion of Press and Public

Resolved: In accordance with section 1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960, the press and public will be excluded from the following items, having due regard to the confidential nature of the business being transacted.

68. 23-24 Quotes for new gate and fittings on existing gates in Old School Meadow

Resolved: To accept the quote from SPJ improvements

69. 23-24 Website and hosting review

Resolved: To accept quote A

The meeting closed at 20:52
