
January 31st Minutes Finance – Draft

Finance committee Minutes Uploaded on February 8, 2024

Gurnard Parish Council

39 Victoria Road


PO31 7JH




The minutes of the meeting of Gurnard Parish Council Finance Committee held on Wednesday 31st January 2024 at Gurnard Village Hall.


Present: Councillors Fuller (Chair), Bugden, Franklin, and Acton.

Clerk: Richard Shaul

Cllr Nolan attended in a non-voting capacity. No members of the public were present.


The meeting commenced at 18:55


  1. Apologies

No apologies were received.


  1. Members’ declarations of interest

Cllrs Bugden, Franklin and Acton declared interests in item 179.23-24 as council tax payers in the Gurnard parish. Dispensations will be obtained prior to the Full Council meeting of 14th February when the annual budget and precept are confirmed.


  1. Minutes

The minutes of the Finance Committee meeting and the Grants Panel meeting of the council held on 25th October 2023 were taken as read, approved as a correct record and signed by the chair. No matters arising.


  1. Payment for purchase of Weather Station

The purchase of a Weather station was approved at the Full Council meeting on 13th December 2023. However, the vendors require payment by debit or credit card, a facility that the Parish Council does not have.

Resolved: That the Clerk be granted delegated authority to pay for the Weather Station by personal debit or credit card, and claim reimbursement through the expenses procedure.


  1. Annual Budget and Precept 2024/2025.

The Clerk presented a document and calculations for the budget for 2024/2025, with a recommendation that the annual precept is maintained at £60,186.


  1. that the Finance Committee recommends that the Parish Council adopts the budget for 2024/2025 as presented, with the following amendments:

Training increased by £1,000 to allow for councillors training

Website increased by £1,200 to allow for email upgrade

Planning enforcement increased by £1,400

Contribution for use of village hall added £1,000

Gurnard in bloom increased by £500

Contribution to Cowes library increased by £500

Repairs to village clock reduced by £2,000

Contingency reduced by £393 to balance budget to proposed precept

  1. To maintains the Precept at £60,186

The meeting closed at 19:41
