Clerk to Gurnard Parish Council
39 Victoria Road
PO31 7JH
07305 013718
23rd January 2025
You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Planning Committee of Gurnard Parish Council which will be held at 6:30pm on Wednesday 29th January 2025 at Gurnard Village Hall, Westbrook Lane, Gurnard, PO31 8JR for the purpose of transacting the business set out in the agenda below:
Before the meeting is formally opened by the Chairman there will be an opportunity for members of the Public to make comments and ask questions.
- Apologies for Absence.
- Members’ Declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests.
- To receive Members’ Declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interests.
- To receive and consider any written dispensation requests.
- Minutes
To take as read, approve and sign the minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 25th September 2024.
- Planning, Tree Preservation & Licensing Applications
- To comment on the following planning applications:
- 25/00052/TW 14/01/2025 44 Woodvale Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8EE
G1) Ash(Fraxinus Excelsior) x 20; Dismantle to near ground level.
Consultation end date: N/A
- 25/00013/HOU 07/01/2025 3 Shore Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8LB
Consultation end date: 14/02/2025
- 24/01841/FUL 20/12/2024 33 Solent View Road Gurnard Cowes Isle Of Wight PO31 8JY
Proposed pair of semi detached dwellings; alterations to roof of existing dwelling
Consultation end date: 31/01/2025
- To note any planning decisions received by 23/01/2025
clerk to the Council