
February 28 2024 Agenda Facilities

Facilities committee agendas Uploaded on February 22, 2024

Clerk to Gurnard Parish Council

39 Victoria Road


PO31 7JH

07305 013718


22nd February 2024


You are hereby summoned to a meeting of the Facilities Committee which will follow a meeting of the Planning Committee to be held on Wednesday 28th February, starting 6:30pm, at Gurnard Village Hall, Westbrook Lane, Gurnard in order to discuss and consider the following items:


Before the meeting is formally opened by the Chairman there will be an opportunity for members of the Public to make comments and to ask questions.


  1. Apologies for Absence
    1. To receive and approve any apologies for absence
  2. Members’ Declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary Interests
    1. To receive Members’ Declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary Interests
    2. To receive and consider any written dispensation requests
  3. Minutes
    1. To take as read, approve and sign the Minutes of the Extraordinary Facilities meeting held on 21st July 2023
    2. To take as read, approve and sign the Minutes of the Facilities meeting held on 26th  July 2023
  4. Gurnard Village Green Children’s Play area
    1. A report from Isle of Wight Council regarding recent and proposed maintenance to play equipment has been circulated to the facilities committee prior to the meeting.

Proposed: that the Clerk requests a meeting between members of the Gurnard Play area working party (GPAWP) and representatives of IOW council to discuss the report, and future plans for new and replacement play equipment.

  1. GPAWP party had previously suggested that new equipment may include swings, a roundabout and a shelter for the current seating area. The Clerk was requested to obtain catalogues from a number of suppliers.

Proposed: that GPAWP consider responses from suppliers in order to better define the specifications of equipment required in order to seek comparative quotes.

  • One potential supplier had requested a Zoom/Teams meeting with GPC to discuss requirements.

Proposed: that the clerk arranges an online meeting between the supplier and members of GPAWP to discuss requirements, and that similar meeting requests from other suppliers who request them are arranged.

  1. Parish consultation.

Proposed: That a display relating to the play area is included in the consultation weekend event.

  1. Relationship between GPC and GVHA

At a meeting between members of the GVHA and Gurnard WI, advice from the chair of the IW County WI Federation, made clear that, to provide protection for the individuals currently running GVH, the association needs to become a legal entity. Their advice is to complete the process of becoming a full charity rather than a CIC (for tax and other reasons) but advises obtaining specialist legal advice as the situation is very unusual.  NALC may be able to give advice to the council clerk.  Chair of the GVHA will also make enquiries and attempt to find a local solicitor’s firm able to help. To avoid conflict of interest this should be from a different solicitor than the one used by the WI.  A new lease will probably need to be drawn up.  New GPC Terms of Reference (which are referred to!)  as well as a constitution for the ‘GVHA’ must be written.

Proposal: That GPC recognise the need to support members of the community currently running /managing Gurnard Village Hall (as a group called GVHA) to achieve an appropriate legal status, probably as a Charitable Trust depending on legal advice.  The clerk will be requested to work with officers of GVHA and Gurnard WI to achieve this legal status for the group.







clerk to the Council