
Facilities Committee Terms of Reference 2024

Other facilities documents Uploaded on August 4, 2023




  1. The Facilities Committee will meet as required, normally on the last Wednesday of the month following the Planning Committee’s meeting.


  1. The aims and objectives of the committee are: –


To provide ongoing review of the assets and facilities managed by the Parish Council including Gurnard Green Toilets and Old School Meadow


  1. The Committee is made up of all Parish Councillors.
  2. The Committee has delegated power to make decisions on behalf of the Parish Council including authorisation of revenue expenditure including repair, replacement or other work, within budget headings, subject to a limit of £2000.


  1. The administration of the Committee shall be undertaken by the Parish Clerk if available.


  1. The Parish Council’s Standing Orders will apply to the Committee where relevant.


  1. The Parish Council shall approve any change to the Committee Terms of Reference.


  1. The quorum shall be three.


  1. All Committee Members will be bound by the obligations imposed by the Code of Conduct as adopted by Gurnard Parish Council.


  1. Minutes from the meeting will be published on the Parish Council website.









Reviewed by Gurnard Parish Council May 2024